Hi everyone!
My score: a 9.5 out of 10
I have been absent from here for quite a long time. It was high time
for a new post. With the pressure at work I wasn’t in a mood of blogging. I’m
free for a while so I have lots of time to blog and entertain you guys. I’ll share some of my latest buys today.
I had ordered some Avon items about which I am blogging about today.
No. 1 is my Breast Cancer Ribbon
Scarf which I really wanted. I have a strapless dress, but I find it a bit
too revealing, so I thought of combining it with a shawl. I like the silky feel
of this polyester shawl. It’s 36" x 36"; I wish that it was a
bit longer, but it looks great paired with my pink dress. Hope I can get some
pictures taken to share with you guys when I wear my pink dress. ;)
My score: an 8.5 out of 10
My score: an 8.5 out of 10
No. 2 is my Mark. SPF 15 Color
Shine Lipstick in Ginger Snap. It’s a nice shiny color and my lips feel
soft and moisturized. I also like its magnetic closure which “clicks” closed
every time. Can't seem to get the picture in it's original angle; sorry about that.
My score: an 8.5 out of 10
No. 3 is my Ankle Wrap Espadrille Wedge. It’s made of faux-suede and has a jute upper and wedge. The heel is 3 3/4 " high. I actually don’t always feel comfortable in high heels, but these are just perfect, though
I had to create an extra hole for the straps. Feels great wearing them.
My score: a 9 out of 10.
No. 4 is my Disney Mickey Mouse Silhouette Watch. I’ve
been wanting this watch for a very long time. I was very happy when I received
this watch; can’t wait to wear it. It has a genuine mother-of-pearl dial and it’s
as pretty as I had expected it to be; I absolutely love it! It’s for wrists
varying from 6 ½ - 6 ¾ " and it has a 1" extender. It’s a bit too
big for me, but I’ll have a few of the mickey mouse links removed by a jeweler.
That was my post of sharing my latest buys. Wish me lots of wealth so I
can share lots more buys with you guys…haha…lolz. See ya next time!